February 12, 2021

Ten Modern Love Songs

If, like my colleague Kevin, you prefer to spend Valentine's Day fighting the establishment, then our Anti-Valentine's Day playlist is the perfect soundtrack to your ensuing non-festivities. But if you're like me, and enjoy celebrating love in all its forms---whether romantic, platonic, friendly, familial, or even just some well-deserved self love---then this time of year is the ideal season for all songs that remind you of just that.Of course, many classics have already etched themselves into our minds for---well, ever---with their unforgettable hooks and iconic pop culture moments (I got two words for you all: Jack and Rose), and while many things have changed since the release of Titanic, the essence of any love song hasn't. So find a new favorite, compare it to the pop songs of your youth, and enjoy the season of red, pink, and everything in between.[embed]https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2mjBlYQuiTSaiZDDas3qkn?si=mQh7rCIfQsu2cmdZJUsPng[/embed]