March 15, 2021

How to separate your contacts: Frankie's advice

Written by valeria


You know the old saying, "there are two types of people in the world...."? Well, if the past year has taught us anything, it's that there are much, much more than just the two types we've been led to believe. There are people who work their whole lives to get to their "dream job," there are people who work to sustain a certain lifestyle, there are people who work hard to try and retire early, and then there are those who work and then work some more on the thing that makes them happiest---their very own side hustle.

Which brings us to Frankie, TextNow's newest advocate for keeping your side business separate from your main one. As a plumber by day and dance instructor by---another part of the day---he knows the importance of keeping your contacts separate, otherwise the simple act of answering your phone can become a not-so-fun guessing game. It's not an entirely unlikely scenario, as last year alone, 28% of Americans between the ages of 18-44 have admitted to starting their own side business. And it doesn't take a business graduate to know that keeping costs down is one of the most important parts of running a business, which brings us once again to TextNow. With a free phone number that can take and make unlimited calls, send and receive unlimited texts, and even set a custom voicemail and custom text signature, it's the perfect alternative for anyone who needs their own business line, without the extra cost and bulk of a second phone. Just let Frankie tell you all about it: